
Clothing technology :

Eberle, Hannelore

Clothing technology : H. Eberle ... [et al.] from fibre to fashion / - Fifth edition - Berlín : Europa Lehrmittel Verlag, 2008 - 304 p. : il. col. ; 30 cm

1. Fibres : Overview ; Natural fibres ; Man-made fibres ; Fibre properties, fibre identification ; Fibe blanding ; Textile labeling ; Textile aftercare ; Functions of clothing ; Ecology and the textile pipeline -- 2. Yarns : Fundamentals ; Spinning systems ; Folded yarns, plied yarns ; Fancy yarns ; Textured yarns M Review of yarn types ; Yarn numbering ; Yarn properties ; Sewing threads -- 3. Textile fabrics : Overview ; Woven fabrics ; Knitted fabrics ; Special Fabrics ; Compartisson of textile fabrics -- Syeing and finishing : Fundamentals ; Preparation ; Coloration ; Intermediate processes ; Finishing ; Coating and lamination -- 5. Fabric descriptions : Fabric inspection ; Commercial names of fabrics ; Accessories, trimmings -- Leather and fur : Leather manufacture ; Leather types ; Leather garment manufacture ; Fur types ; Pelt preparation ; Pelt finishing ; From pelt to fur clothing -- Clothing manufacture : Equipmant and methods for design and cutting ; Equipment and methods for degisn and cutting ; Problems in sewing ; Equipment and methods for pressing and fusing ; Health and safety -- Organisation of clothing manufacture : Overview ; Material flow ; industry sectors and prodcut groups ; Garment production systems ; method study ; Systems and processes ; Company structure and organization ; Organisational structure ; Production management ; Work measurement ; Quality assurance ; Use of computers -- Product design : Target groups and quality levels ; Planning a collection ; Developing a collection ; Elements of clothing desingn ; Design influences ; Proportion ; Control dimensions ; Body types, size intervals ; Size charts, size codes -- Product groups : Underwear, nightwear ; Foundation garments, swimwear ; Babywear, childrenswear ; Men's shirts ; Workwear, career apparel ; Skirts ; Blouses ; Dresses ; Knitted Outerwear ; Trousers ; Jackets ; Coats ; Women's outfits ; Formal dress ; Sport and leisure clothing ; Accessories -- History of clothing : Chronological summary ; Fashion ; Ancient Egypt ; Ancien Greece ; Ancient Rome ; Germanic prehistory and early times ; Byzantine middle ages ; Tomanesque ; Gothic ; Renaissence ; Baroque ; Rococo ; Neo-classism; English fashion, directorie and empire ; Neo-classicism: Biedermeier ; Romanticism, neo-rococo, and the victorian era ; Belle époque, eeform, art noveau ; The twenties ; The thirties ; The forties ; The fifties ; The sisties ; The seventies ; The eighties ; The ninenies ; The new millenium



Roba de vestir--Història
Teixits i tèxtils
Fibres tèxtils
Indústria de la confecció

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