
Managing, fashion and luxury companies /

Corbellini, Erica

Managing, fashion and luxury companies / Erica Corbellini ; Stefania Saviolo - Milán : RCSLibri & EtasLab, 2009 - 270 p. ; 22 cm

Defining fashion and luxury : Defining fashion ; What is fashion? ; The fashion cycle ; The rise of fast fashion ; The fashion pipeline : Defining luxury ; What is luxury ; Old and new luxuries ; Defining the luxury brand ; Luxury and fashion -- Country models : Country models ; Abour country branding ; The french model: from haute couture to luxury conglomerates ; The American model: from workwear to vertically integrated chains ; The Italian model: from designers to vertical integration ; The asian model: from outsourcing to integrated production networks and vertical retailers : India strategy for fashion and luxury brands / in collaboration with Leandré D'Souza ; Introduction to India ; Luxury consumption in India ; Brand building in India : China strategy for fashion and luxury brands ; Luxury consumption in China ; Brand building in China -- Industry segments, business models and drivers for consumption in fashion and luxury : Industry segmentation ; About industry segmentation ; Segmenting the fashion industry ; Description of fashion segments ; Segmenting the luxury industry ; Te masstige : Business models ; About business models ; Fashoin designers ; Luxury brands ; Premium brands ; Fast vertical retailers ; Does the conglomerate strategy work? : Consumer segmentation ; About consumer segmentation ; Descriptive segmentation ; Behavioral segmentation ; Main drivers for luxury consumption ; A customer-oriented culture -- Brand management : Branding as positioning ; What is a brand? ; The brand identity model : Brand heritage and storytelling ; What is heritage? ; Leveraging heritage. Best caess : Stylistic identity and the product development process ; Defining the brand offering ; The concept of stylistic identity ; The seasonal collection architecture ; Who makes trends? : Retail identity and the communication process ; The image idenity ; Communication the product, the brand, the corporate idenity ; The integrated communication plan ; The communication system ; The evolving role of public relations ; A new communication scenario : Brand extension and licensing management ; Why extending the brand? ; Brand extensions in fashion and luxury ; Successful extension strategies , The role of licensing in brand extension



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