Wellesley-Smith, Claire

Slow stitch : mindful and contemplative textile art / Claire Wellesley-Smith - 127 p. : il. col. : 25 cm

slow ; what is the slow movement and how does it relate to textiles? ; sustainability and resource efficiency ; locality and loclaism ; nathural rythms: cyclical and seasonal practice : materials and techniques ; limit setting: less can be more ; what's in the cupboard? using what you have ; collecting and sourcing materials ; new materials ; upcycling and re-using old projects :; slow-dryed threads using local colour ; the right tools: equipment suggestions ; simple stitches: getting started with hand-stitch rhythms : cross-cultural activity ; universal traditions ; kantha ; mending revisited ; japanese boro ; piecing and patching : contemplative ; reflective and mindful practice ; stitch journals - a regular practive ; stitching, walkin, mapping ; stitching community: communal projects, wellbeing and health ; minfulness and making ; seed to fabric projects ; the Manitoulin circle project ; narratives through cloth
